



Ethan Kupka

Throughout my career at Cornell College, I have had to be disciplined with my time. I have sought to not only excel in class, but athletics and work as well. Based on my experience, I have developed skills like leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving that allow me to excel in any task. Cornell's intense "One-Course-at-a-time" block system where a semester's worth of material is covered in a single 18-day course, means that I have learned how to deal with a fast-paced learning environment.

My Traits

I'm a creator

Since computer science is one of the most arduous majors that requires earnestness and cleverness, it was only a matter of time before it came to my attention. I love hobbies that allow a wide range of freedom. With art, this is easy to do with the many different mediums. Lacrosse is also a good example due to its fluency.


I'm a student

I love to pick up many diverse hobbies and often teach myself them. While I have a limited amount of time during the school year, I always make time to practice my interests. One of my interests would be working on personal coding projects. Another would be creating art, and at the moment, trying to get involved with music production.


I'm a team player

As a committee member of the SAAC, a lacrosse teammate, and a vice president of the C4 club, I have developed my social skills to achieve our body goals and plans. I have many experiences establishing a plan and growing excellent communication amongst my group members.


I'm a communicator

From my extracurricular activities, I am constantly working on, and improving, my communication skills. They help me build stronger relationships and carry out common goals. One aspect I work towards the most in communication is listening. I like to get everyone involved to get their thoughts on the matter.


My Projects

Club Blog/Website

'C4' is Cornell Colleges own Computer science club where I developed a platform for the community to host their thoughts and be upto date on current events using a Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Sass, JAVAScript and google applications.

Launch Code

Artist Brochure

Another project available is a basic brochure for a new artist "MAG". The brochure has a cover, bio, artist new release, and contact info. The site is also written in HTML and CSS.

Launch Code

Third Party API (JokeGen)

"Smile." is an application that outsources to a third party API and uses their code to produce a joke of the day. It is written in HTML, CSS and JAVAScript.

Launch Code

Course Registration ER Diagram

"Course Registration" is an project that focused on designing a ER diagram of a student course registration at Cornell College. Making a schema and improving it to meet third normal forms and worked towards implementing it into SQLite.

File Code